Quest Profiler® Personality Questionnaire
A versatile, modern, BPS-registered personality questionnaire which links to a range of high quality reports and is useful across a broad range of organisational applications, including team-building, development and selection.The Quest Profiler® Personality Questionnaire
The Quest Profiler® Personality Questionnaire provides a comprehensive narrative of a range of traits and work-related styles, including 24 personality scales, leadership style profile, team style profile, culture match indicator, conflict styles, transformational leadership, transactional management, emotional intelligence and predictive competencies.
Rationale behind the Quest Profiler® Personality Questionnaire
The Quest Profiler® Personality Questionnaire was developed specifically to assess aspects of personality relevant in predicting work performance. To make it useful in multiple HR processes, the publishers designed both a normative and an ipsative version of the test. An important requirement behind the development of the questionnaire was to be able to produce the most comprehensive development reports in the industry.
Assessing Personality at Work – Predicting Work Performance
When assessing aspects of human beings as complex as personality, it really makes sense to use a tool that measures the many complex facets of personality rather than just a few. The Quest Profiler® Personality Questionnaire does this! In addition, the Quest Profiler® Personality Questionnaire was designed especially to assess aspects of personality relevant in predicting work performance, unlike generic personality tests which have simply been adapted to workplace assessment.
Quest Profiler® Personality Questionnaire Quick Facts
- Designed by Chartered Psychologists with extensive test development experience.
- Ipsative & Normative Versions.
- Accuracy indicator for Ipsative version.
- Social-desirability measure for Normative version.
- 24 aspects of personality assessed under: People, Thinking, Feeling & Drive.
- Completed in around 30 minutes.
- Beautiful, easy to understand reports.
- Can be used alongside the Job Profiler module to match candidates to the ideal job profile.
- Assessed by and registered with the British Psychological Society Psychological Testing Centre (PTC).
- Exceptional validity (the most important deciding factor when using psychometric tests!).
Languages & Administration
Question Languages
-Simplified Chinese
and more!
Administration Time
-30+ minutes
Administration Mode
-Controlled or Supervised
Work-based Personality Traits Assessed by Quest Profiler® Personality Questionnaire
- Assertiveness
- Taking Charge
- Social Ease
- Convincing Others
- Outgoingness
- Team Working
- Empowerment
- Supportiveness
Thinking Style
- Curiosity
- Creativity
- Adjustability
- Strategy
- Analysis
- Precision
Coping Style
- Empathy
- Freedom from Stress
- Sensitivity to Criticism
- Transparency
- Optimism
- Buoyancy
- Reliability
- Need for Challenge
- Energy
- Cautiousness
Quest Profiler® Questionnaire Reports
The Quest Profiler® offers a number of different reports – we have provided some screenshots below.
Please note that the Full report contains all Standard Reports in addition to those seen in the Full Report category. Similarly, the Premium Report contains all reports from both the Full and Standard Report categories, as well as those within its own category.
In addition to the above:
The Individual Development Report has been specifically designed to help people focus on their development, or teams better understand each other. The scoring mechanism is less complex than the Selection & Recruitment (classic) Report and the output is more ‘fun’ in places.
The Team Quest Report will allow you to combine multiple participants who have completed The Quest Profiler questionnaire into one report. It can be used for team building, identifying potential areas of conflict, strengths, development needs, and gaps in preferences and competencies that may need to be addressed.
To see more detail, please download sample assessment reports.
Quest Profiler® & Psychometric Portal Sales Presentation
Economical, large-scale recruitment with Job-Personality Match Module
The Quest Profiler® offers an economical way to assess a large group of candidates and compare them to an ideal profile. Most good personality assessments are relatively expensive given their high return on investment. However, The Quest Profiler® is already more affordable than others in its high calibre level. To make large-scale recruitment even more affordable, clients can opt to use the job match report before producing more detailed personality assessment reports on candidates whom they wish to progress to the next stage of the process.

Sample Reports, Training Requirements & Next Steps
In order to use our Personality Assessments independently, you need to have a recognised certification in Personality Testing or the BPS Level 2 Personality Test User Qualification, or attend our Online Basic Psychometrics Course: Psychometrics for HR Decisions.
If you do not hold relevant qualifications and do not wish to undertake training, we can still assist by either giving you access to only text-based reports, or via our Psychologist-on-Call™ service wherein our psychologists will manage the process for you and then call you to explain all reports.
If you don’t have a certification to demonstrate competence in the use of personality tests for work decisions, you may opt for the Quest Profiler® Bureau Service (limited text-only reports), or our Psychologist-on-Call™ service for psychologist-supported assessment and full reporting.