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It looks like construct validity, but look again: Comment on Clutterbuck et al. (2021) and recommendations for test developers in the broad “empathy” domain.

April 13, 2022 Conceptual flaws can undermine even rigorous test development efforts, especially in the broad empathy and social cognition domains, which are characterized by measure proliferation and inconsistently used construct terms. We discuss these issues,...

Memory Binding Test and Its Associations With Hippocampal Volume Across the Cognitive Continuum Preceding Dementia

February 1, 2022 Assessment, Ahead of Print. Innovative memory paradigms have been introduced to capture subtle memory changes in early Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We aimed to examine the associations between different indexes of the challenging Memory Binding Test...

The Value of Clock Drawing Process Assessment in Screening for Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Dementia

November 5, 2021 Assessment, Ahead of Print. Many clock drawing test (CDT) scoring systems focus on drawing results and lack drawing process assessments. This study created a CDT scoring procedure with drawing process assessment and explored its diagnostic value in...

Psychometric Evaluation of a Big Five Personality State Scale for Intensive Longitudinal Studies

May 6, 2021 Assessment, Ahead of Print. Despite enthusiasm for using intensive longitudinal designs to measure day-to-day manifestations of personality underlying differences between people, the validity of personality state scales has yet to be established. In this...

The Big Five Inventory–2 in China: A Comprehensive Psychometric Evaluation in Four Diverse Samples

April 23, 2021 Assessment, Ahead of Print. The Big Five Inventory-2 (BFI-2) has received wide recognition since its publication because it strikes a good balance between content coverage and brevity. The current study translated the BFI-2 into Chinese, evaluated its...