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Thank you for your interest in our blogs! We have decided to discontinue our posts to enable us to focus on other developments at PsyAsia International. We have left our previous posts up for you to read.

It looks like construct validity, but look again: Comment on Clutterbuck et al. (2021) and recommendations for test developers in the broad “empathy” domain.

April 13, 2022 Conceptual flaws can undermine even rigorous test development efforts, especially in the broad empathy and social cognition domains, which are characterized by measure proliferation and inconsistently used construct terms. We discuss these issues,...

How asynchronous video interviews are used in practice: A study of an Australian‐based AVI vendor

February 1, 2022 Abstract With an archival data set from an Australian-based asynchronous video interview (AVI) vendor, we examined how employers implemented AVI features as a step toward understanding how AVIs can be more optimally designed. The multilevel data...