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A Curvilinear Relationship Between Work Engagement and Job Performance: the Roles of Feedback-Seeking Behavior and Personal Resources

May 14, 2021 Abstract Drawing from conservation of resources theory, this study examines the curvilinear relationship between employees’ work engagement and their job performance; the authors also hypothesize that employees’ feedback-seeking behavior is a pertinent...

Effect of conflict‐outcomes: moderating role of psychosocial mentoring and emotional intelligence

April 6, 2021 Based on the perspective of emotions, this study examines the moderating role of psychosocial mentoring and emotional intelligence (EI) on the impact of task/relationship conflict on outcomes. We collect data of 206 employees from diverse industries in...

An Explanation of Personality Change in Organizational Science: Personality as an Outcome of Workplace Stress

March 19, 2021 Journal of Management, Ahead of Print. Organizational scholarship has recently begun to treat personality as malleable in workplace settings and has called for personality change to be incorporated into current research. The lack of a comprehensive,...