Most reputable psychometric test providers will not provide people with free or even paid-for trials of psychometric tests. In the past, some people thought that having access to tests prior to an assessment session would assist in them ‘beating the system’. These days, with a number of validity scales within psychometric tests, it really is not possible to ‘beat the system’. However, even if it was, the majority of job applicants would maybe prefer not to. The rationale behind testing is that the right person for the job is selected for the position. Your psychometric test results should be considered alongside all other forms of evidence that the employer has about you. Ultimately, you would not wish to be selected incorrectly for a job for which you do not possess the right knowledge or skills or attitude. This will only result in unhappiness and stress for yourself, your employer and maybe even your family! Of course, people also like to have access to tests so that they feel more comfortable during the actual testing session. If this is the case, please see our candidate page.
Our advice to you is to relax, have a good sleep and breakfast before your assessment and see it as a learning experience. You could also have a read of our candidate page for some further information.