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How do I qualify for the EFPA Psychometric Testing Qualification?

The following information is provided by and copyright of the British Psychological Society. All BPS Level 1 & 2 graduates of PsyAsia International can apply for the EFPA qualification via the BPS as noted below.

What is the European Test User Certificate? #

The British Psychological Society’s (BPS) qualifications in Occupational Ability and Personality test use have been accredited by the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations (EFPA) as together meeting the requirements set for the award of European Test User Certificate.

What does this mean for me? #

This Certificate involves a one-off purchase and includes the addition of the qualification to your profile on the RQTU and a Certificate with the EFPA accreditation logo on it. This remains valid for as long as you hold the requisite BPS test user qualifications and maintain an entry on the RQTU.

What are the benefits? #

The European Test User Certificate is a valuable  addition to your professional qualifications, as it recognises a level of competence defined by the EFPA Standing Committee on Tests and the EFPA Board of Assessment, which draws its membership from 36 European Countries. The EuroTest qualification aims to set a common standard of competence in all the countries where it is issued.

Apart from its value as an acknowledgement of competence, we believe that multinational test suppliers will be more likely to recognise the Euro Test qualification as a basis for registration of test users across borders within Europe.

We also expect that providers of occupational assessment services and those who seek such services are more likely to acknowledge or require a qualification based on a European standard. It is very difficult for multinational organisations (whether clients or providers) to know and understand all the varying bases for registration as a test user across Europe.

How can I apply for the Euro Test User Certificate? #

Simply download the application form from the PTC website, and return to the BPS via email at