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Can I use aptitude tests as part of an aptitude test training session with my students?

We do offer both numerical and verbal reasoning tests in online and hard-copy formats.  However, our policy is to adequately prepare our candidates prior to testing in a way which is both fair to candidates and fair to our clients.  Giving students aptitude test training wherein they are exposed to tests is not an ethical use and would not confirm to best practice.  Our HR clients use tests to help them understand a job applicant’s potential. Programs which give exposure to tests will in turn allow students to produce better results due to a practice effect – this has nothing to do with their potential!  Whilst some less ethical test suppliers will allow you to do this, they are not considering the best interests of their HR clients who purchase the tests.

We would suggest running sessions where students are informed about what aptitude tests are, why they are used and how to prepare by way of a good night’s sleep etc. rather than exposing them to actual tests.  The use of aptitude tests as part of a career exploration package is a different matter and would be acceptable.