PsyAsia International offers the world’s best psychometric tests.
-We offer the Psychometric Portal Aptitude Test range as it is clear that this range provides the one of the most up-to-date and robust assessments of aptitude for the 21st century.
-For personality assessment, we again offer an assessment from the Psychometric Portal®, the Quest Profiler®, a highly valid and reliable personality assessment which was designed by a team of chartered psychologists in the UK.
-We also offer the Identity® Self-Perception Questionnaire. This is also designed by organisational psychologists in the UK who also design tests for SHL! This personality assessment is easy to use and has a high level of validity – in fact, often higher than aptitude tests. The validity research conducted with this tool used 360 degree performance appraisal data – often seen as a superior form of data given that ratings come from multiple sources.
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